Tuesday, October 6, 2009

after one Q of being not together

Hello, don't know who will read this post,
however I'm perfectly in the mood of writing here, even the year has passed, I have new team ,one more year of amazing and challenging work for better world and I still miss this strange UNLIMITED production of people with whom I've spend 12 months.

As all MC told us before , you will not speak often, you maybe will never see each other, or see on alumni events once 5 years. That's simply truth, but that makes me really miss our Bugorna 13, our big house and empty fridge.

my lovely MC team do you remember last Autumn, when a bit cold outside, exactly, as its now in Kiev and Lara sitting in veranda making promo for AP region?
So now, Rostya is in Proctor in Praha, being soooo busy and tired that I manage to ketch him only once on g-talk, probably I'm he only one who knows the latest up-dates of his life.
Sasha is in Inbev, now somewhere in Moscow for 1 month, Basnya work in Kiev and thanks God I have pleasure to see her almost every week )) Katya still studying, og my God.. so she will be old and still in University believe me :)) Lyubasik in her Norway, are you at least have any plans to visit us???
and Lara, oh she keeps to be amazing, selling indian interns all her term now she works and lives with milions of those funny guys :)

Buys and girls of UNLIMITED production I REALLY MISS YOU !!!!!

your tetyan

Friday, March 27, 2009


almost 2 months we were not here :)) Its just because of lots of things happened those months and here is small up-date for all our readers.
We have successfully elect part of MC teamFebruary:
Basnya and Me - Managed to get Visa for IPM in Italy (Visa sponsor - MC Poland, and special thanks to Joanna MC VP ICX Poland)
Half of the month Bashnya and me were in beautiful Italy, were we met good Ukrainian friends and made great Ukrainian parties (hello goes to, - Masha Savranska (MC VP Ukraine o6-07), Vladimir Bogdan (MC VP Ukraine 07-08), Yulia Khryslova (LCP Franyk 06-07), Viktor Kiyashko (MC VP Ukraine 05-06), Yulia Dmyterko (LC EB Lviv 07-08))

Ukraine in top 10 countries in the world in Absolute growth!!! Ura, we will do more!!

Rest of team spent amazing time on LC Visits, right??? So please post at least pictures here!!!
My LCs took: Katya -Simferopol and Lyuba - Donetsk :))) Thanks girls for the help :)) hope you enjoy the work with my lovely cities
+ This month we manage to close MC applications for 2nd round :))

MC 09-10
becoming bigger - Lucas Vital (Brazil) MC VP OGX and Mariya Ponikarova (Ukraine) MC VP LC Dev.
No money - no stress :))
I'm spending week and then 3 more days in home city trying to pas exams :)) Receiving calls from Dean becoming daily life for me :)

last LCPM :)
Lovely LCP team :))
1st MC Transition....hmm about this info will come on next post :))

MC Team:
Me -Put Me into the system! Campaign, transition, SprinCo, Transition, IDS
Lara - Who wants Indian Interns?? - that's the favorite phrase on the phone for her (already 53 Indians EPs are matched)
Basnya - In Oslo, Norway, - chairing conference
Luiba - In Oslo, - facilitating the conference
Kate - working in the office, thinking about TM transition - with whom to run :))
Rostya - left for Sevas, doing Just Raising Campaign!! You know for 3 weeks Ukraine is #1
Sasha - 4 projects + chair on Sevas conference, Good luck sasha :))

As you see your MC team is really busy delivering results :))

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who is the most effective in MC?
- Basnya
- Rostya
- Sasha
- Tetyana
- Katya
- Lyuba
- Lara

View Results
Pimp My Profile

Charmed start the Revolution

Thursday, January 8, 2009

when you are not at home ...

Yee, when you are not at home at Bugorna 13 :)) You feel sad, at least I do, we left our house on 26th (some of us even before, some of us after, but that the point when official holidays started) and will gather all together on 12th of January, full of energy and power to change the world.

I'm at home right now, resting, doing simply nothing, and each day I remind those funny crazy faces that I will see soon, and spend with them 6 more months together in our beautiful house.

so this post was to say, Guys i miss you and love you very very much!!!!
See you on 12th in the early morning