Friday, October 24, 2008

Кружок юных "ботанов"

Yes, it's really true. Young "botany" occupied our MC house! Really hard period started - studying... Ugly and boring but sometimes usefull

I'll start from my self. As i'm still a student i should study sometimes at least. Till Monday i should prepare my diploma (actually "kursovaya") from management of organization. It has great topic: "Strategical management of marketing trade politics" (i hope that translated it correctly:)

Than goes ... Tanya. She becomes crazy spanish woman. Yeah, spanish - she wants to study spanish and the whole MC team with her. Now we know that "la mujer es gorda" means "fat woman":)

Than Sashas' order. He is writing ... articles. What and why - we don't know. But know for sure that he is also "botan".

And finaly Lara! This incredible woman studies how to sells... Indian people! "Boryus, do you want to take Indians for internship? they're so cool! They have great XP!"

Katya is also "botan" but today she didn't study.

Only Rostik and Nastya are happy! Good for them!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WARNING! Animal in the house!

Here i am:) Finally, i'm writing something about my MC life on our MC blog. It's bit strange... I'm Communications responsible but didn't write here before...But i really want to break this tradition.

We are changing all the time... And me too. I spend one week in trips around Ukraine. Hope, some day I'll write about it on our blog... But for now I want to write about little changes in our life. Since yesterday we have new team mate in our house - we have a cat. It (actually she) will live for a week till Katya Byelova (her owner) will come to Ukraine from the trip.

I like cats very much as well as other my mates. And we were waiting for this beautiful kitten - Katya (is it funny that cat is owners namesake?:) She came to us with her own plates, food and even toilet... Really equiped.

Katya is really strange. First day she was afraid of everything, she hide behind the wardrobe in our office room, did not eat anything, growl on us (especially on Lara:), spent whole night under Sasha's bed. Poor animal.

Fortunatelly today she was more friendly, she was not afraid of us and our house any more. Just look on photos!
My dear Bashnya

Kayt'ka herself

Kisyulechka and Sashulechka

Kat'ka loves coffee

Me and Katya

One more interesting detail - Katya already found a boyfriend. This is cat of our neighbors. He was sitiing on the windowsill outside our house and looking on Katya in the kitchen. Unfortunatelly i did make this funny photo:(

Katya, we will miss you so much after this time!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Once upon a time I was in Rivne...

The times of loneliness at the MC appartment and office are coming to the end, and finally just in some more days we will be ALL together, sitting in the old usual working atmosphere, but on the first times probably chating-sharing-remembering these weeks of travelling, discoveries, memories of meetings with new people that each of us is bringing back to Kyiv after the row of the LC visits and participation at LICs. For sure for everyone these trips were unique and specific, exciting and tiring, unpredicttable and for sure unforgattable and motivational to return back here and start to work with new forces and energy!!!!
I was lucky to be in Rivne during the last weekend and chair and facilitate there the Local Induction Conference and run LC visit. It's so pleasant to see the committement and personal desire just of a few people - actually 3 strong personalities from EB - to make things happen!!! And even if sometimes things are going not in the best way, seeing them and hearing there questions - you feel the desire to do your best to support them. And to encourage as much people as possible to do the same with you!
There is a pool of young talented people that can build up a growing LC in the city of Rivne! The time is coming to make AIESEC their future and make them the future of AIESEC in Rivne... Of course the challenges are all around, and even more job should be done after the visit, now- that's the show-time when we have no option and possibility to make any mistake... 'cos we have the greatest opportunities and new horizons in front, and the most important thing that we have- not so much- but still these are interested and motivated people to make these happen:
The time is running, the memories are staying... The results to be performed and goals achieved are knocking in our doors:))) That's our turn to stand up and make an effort to open these doors NOW!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

...Prosto ya zhyla v odnomu duzhe fajnomu LC... :)

The time of a few people staying home in the house... The time of total mess within cooking teams... The time of constant needed tickets absence... The time of MC members in the trains all around the country... The time of poor AIESECers catching up us at 3.. 4.. 5.. am on the stations...
The time of LC visits has come!!!

All those who have ever been or will ever be in the MC team would for sure support my words: these are definitely the special times for the MC member. When you touch the LC reality, when you feel yourself kind of "back in time". When a great bunch of challenges, decisions, initiatives, emotions, achievements and other things which seem to be so crucial, urgent and essential at the moment, soars all over the LC EB team expecting for the only right decisions to be taken by leadership body... This time I was again the first one from our team to start with the visits. Thank you Boryusik for waiting me already at 5.25 near that board..)) This is our second round of the visits and the first one when we go to Lcs without previous MC coach. However informed and prepared to the visit you are you never know what to expect from the LC reality and people who shape it. You just go and face the atmosphere, see the impact of your decision once made, the result of materials released and touch a real AIESEC life on local level. Thank you my dear Fajne LC for a warm host :) For jokes and laugh, for common work and individual meetings, for legislation and Kryivka :)) I believe if you work out your weaknesses and reinforce your strengths you have everything to rock this year and I sincerely wish you to do that.
I'm sure you will ;)


Already looking forward to meeting Franyk and Uzhhorod...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

we got salary today!!!! For the first time on time and full !!!!!!!
basnya is our hero!!!!