Friday, September 12, 2008

feedback session

To days ago we had MC day, and the culmination of it ... was feedback session.
To be frank here, I don't really like those sessions, hmm and I realized why, as all the time when people wants to tell you something that you need to improve, they firstly start to invent a lot of good thing about you, and really often it looks insincere, so this time I was expecting the same.
And, thanks God I was mistaken, those 3 hours was so amazing, with lots of new things, with something that I needed to know. And you know it united as even more after that, we started to speak with each other more, to help each other more and to listen :) maybe it's just my point of view, a MC what do you think?

Happy to be in such TEAM :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

august shortly :)

Haven't written for long time?
Yes, well mostly it because of being away for almost a month. So, wonder what was happening with us during August?
Our trips started from TTT in Donetsk, where me, Katya were faci, Bashnya chair and Lyuba delegate.
We had cool experience, amazing sessions and nice time spent together with our future trainers :) Also we were amazed by the OC preparation, # of in kind raised etc, thank you LC Donetsk and specially ER people (Artem and Vitalik) for working hard during all summer.
After that we had ZagnibedCo, - for those who don't know it's unofficial name of SellCo, as the only faci there was` our lovely Sasha :) How it was??? well I was not there, so you are welcome to write comments and share some thoughts about this meeting :)
And finally.... 5 of us went to Brazil.......
get to know more about our adventures in our next posts....